Thursday 24 September 2015

Preliminary Task: Creating A Storyboard From Initial Ideas

The process of creating a storyboard was rather simple, as a group we discussed how the Preliminary Task is going to take place. So by doing this we were given a 12 shot challenge which meant we had to fit are filming all into 12 shots. For each storyboard we had to state the following:
  • Location
  • Camera Shot
  • Camera Movement
  • Camera Angle
  • Cast Required
  • Dialogue
From doing this I have learnt that your plan is the most important part because if you don't have this plan then the production of the film will not flow, then when it comes to editing the film you will not be able to combined all of the shot and make it seem realistic to the audiences eye.


  1. Great stuff Toyah.

    Can you explain to me in greater detail how you think going through the process of storyboarding will help to ensure a better end product than just trying to go out and film your raw footage?

    What, in particular, does creating a storyboard such as this force you to think about?

    1. By going through the process of storyboarding will help to ensure a better end product then just trying to go out and film raw footage because you have to think about the step by step shot that you are going to film, which makes it easier when filming because you know what order you are filming certain shot. But it will also make it easier when editing because when the shots are separated, by having a template you will be able to organise the raw footage straight away.
      By creating a storyboard it forces you to think about the best angle and movement to use for different parts of the scene. It also makes you realise that you have to get such a big part of film into 12 shots.
