Wednesday 2 December 2015

Research and Planning Self Assessment

Research into existing horror movies
I feel that I have excellent evidence of research into existing horror movies. This is because I have looked into horror movies that are for a teen horror movie and looked into the mise-en-scene, conventions and location and more. I have looked at different horror movies to get ideas for my horror film. I also looked into what a stereotypical teen horror movie would look like.

Research into a potential target audience
I feel I have good evidence of researching into my potential target audience. This is because I looked into the conventions of a teen horror film so that I know what generic things a teen audience enjoy watching. I also looked at the stereotypical clothing for the characters. 

Time management
I think that I have shown good time management as I have stayed caught up with all my work. Every time a task has been set I have completed it for the due date or before. If research has needed to be done for the following lesson then I have done this to ensure that I understand everything within the lesson. If I feel like I have fallen behind then iv ensured that iv caught up before the next lesson.

Use of digital technology or ICT 
I feel that I have shown good skills of using different digital technology. This is because I have used photos, videos and different presentation software to present my work. For example, using premier pro for my practise with the eagle and emaze for my history of horror films. I could use different types of presentation sites to present my work in future to show that I am able to use different types of digital technology.  

Communication skills
I would say that I have good communication skills. I have done a essay and in most of my posts there is a lot of writing, however, I believe that I need to add more terminology and I need to be more grammatically correct and check my spelling.

Level of care taken in the presentation of work
I feel that the level of care in the presentation of my work is excellent. I feel this because I have use different ways of presenting my work. For example, using emaze, pictures, videos and keeping all my text the a suitable font. However, sometimes my photos are to big and seem like they hang over the page.   

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