Monday 30 November 2015

Planning : Target Audience Feedback

Our group sent out a feedback questionnaire to find out peoples opinion on our sixty second pitch. We created a survey on survey monkey and sent out links to thirty random people that were in our target audience age range. We collected the results and we got some interesting feedback to look over. These are the results to each question we asked:
This question allowed our group to see if the information which is going to be given in the following questions are true or just made up.
This gave us the evidence that we were asking these questions to are target audience and not to people that ever watch horror movies, otherwise the information they would be giving us are invalid because we need to know if our ideas are good enough to work within a teen horror movie.

This question allowed us to get feedback on the ideas we had within our 60 second pitch. By the evidence given we believe nearly every one liked our ideas for the horror film.
From the evidence above it allowed us as a group to carry on the idea we originally came up with and not have to change anything because the candidates that answered these questions agree with our idea and feel like nothing should be changed.
The final question in our survey was to see if our target audience would watch this film when released and from the evidence given only 10% of the people answering the questionnaire said they would not watch this film when released.

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