Thursday 26 November 2015

Planning : From Initial Ideas To A 60 Second Pitch

This is are sixty second pitch for a teen horror film for are AS Media Studies main task. 

When coming to plan are pitch we had to come up with ideas for a teen horror movie. We came up with many different ideas that had similar conventions to other teen horror films. We wrote down all of are ideas and then as a group we eliminated the plans that we did not thing would be the best for a teen horror film. 

The plans above allowed us as a group to discuss which plan would be the best for are main task of making the first 2 minutes to a teen horror movie. As a group we discussed the conventions thats occur in most teen horror films. We also discussed miss-en-scene, location and the plot of the film for all of the ideas. We then came up with the chose that we are going to use a lumber jack to be are killer   and that we are going to have the characters as being teenagers where they are doing D of E, which allows the audience to have a connection with the characters. 
The picture below is the evidence of are group having a group discussion about which idea to pick and why that one would be the best. 

When planning are 60 second pitch we had to think about a production company name, we came up with 'Black Widow Productions'. We also had to come up with a working title 'The Lumberjack'. 

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