Thursday 12 November 2015

Research : The Importance Of Opening Titles

The first thing we had to do was watch a brief video of the history of the art of titles. This then gave me an idea of the different types of titles used for different film genres. I  then watched the opening credits to Se7en and when watching this I had to stop every time a new title came up I paused the video and wrote the time of when it was on the screen and then wrote the title in the format it is presented. I then watched the opening again but this time without sound this was so I could write down all the visual elements of the opening. I then had to watch it over again but this time I did not watch the opening I just listened I wrote down all the sounds I could hear. Then lastly I watched the opening for a final time and looked at the typography of how the titles came up, for example if they was capitalised, bold etc.

This is the opening credits to the film Se7en which I have used to look at titles to see how effective they are for when I produce my main task.

This is a video of the history of Title design.

From going through this process I have learnt that Title design is very effective on the audience because the audience can tell a lot about the film through the titles. The ways in which the titles is formatted has an effect on the audience, for example if the title is wrote in blood then they are going to know this film is going to have blood in. I have also learnt that the elements of sound within the opening to a film is effective to the audience because the non diegetic sound and diegetic sound will change the way the audience feels about the film. By doing this I have also learnt that the visual elements of an opening to a film has the most effect upon the audience because this is what the audience is paying the most attention to. So when producing my own opening to a teen horror movie I need to ensure that the visual elements of the opening are effective enough to ensure my audience keep watching. 

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