Monday 16 November 2015

Research : The Importance Of Sound In Horror Films

Sound is a vital element to any film genre, the sound is what connects to the audience it is what makes the audience feel a certain way. The sound within in a film is what creates the atmosphere. In particular for a Horror Film the music is what build the tension or suspense. If a Horror Film was to just have diegetic sound then the film will not have the same effect upon the audience, this is why non-diegetic sound within any film is important.
Music may progressively build to signify that a dramatic event is about to happen or it may be upbeat to lighten the mood. 
Horror films rely heavily in sound clips to create a scary scene. Music plays a main role in a horror film because it immediately sets the tone for a certain scene. Before the actor says anything the audience knows what their fate is going to be based on the type of music that is playing in the background. The music sets the tone but it does not give away what will happen in the following events. The music must never distract the audience from the scene but intensify the visuals so that the viewer experiences fear and anxiety on a much deeper level. There are several musical cues that indicate to the viewer what is going to happen in the upcoming scene. A longer musical buildup suggests that a big event is just around the corner. A rapid sequence might suggest stress or panic, making the audience feel anxious.

For example, if you was to watch the horror film from 1980 'The Shining' when a family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil and spiritual presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from the past and of the future. With no non-diegetic sound then the film would not have the same effect upon the audience.

If you was to watch the clip below without the sound and then with the sound, it will make you feel very different, when watching it with the sound you become very anxious but without the sound you don't feel much because the sound does not have the same effect because a tone is not set by the music. 

Justin Zagri is a film maker and he has produce a video with an example showing the difference between the same piece of footage without non-diegetic and with non-dieget sound to show the different effects it has upon the audience.

The use of sound in a horror film is important to the success from this form of media product. in certain films such as Psycho, Jaws, The Shining etc can elevate the film to such a iconic level that the sound instantly identifies the film.

Some filmmakers are now using infrasound to induce fear in audiences. These extreme bass waves or vibrations have a frequency below the range of the human ear.

Paranormal ActivityLow frequency sounds are thought to have created fear in Paranormal Activity. While we may not be able to hear infrasound, it has been demonstrated to induce anxiety, extreme sorrow, heart palpitations and shivering.

This research will benefit me because when it comes to my filming I will ensure I record certain sounds such as a scream of the girl when she is about to be killed by the lumber jack. Also the sound of when the lumberjack is coming toward the two characters, so when filming I will get the sound of an axe cutting through as he is walking towards them. This will help me make a more effective film opening because of the diegetic sound that I have filmed my self, to create more tension for the audience. 

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